fund deficit

英 [fʌnd ˈdefɪsɪt] 美 [fʌnd ˈdefɪsɪt]

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  1. The primary deficit, representing the excess of government spending excluding interest payments over tax receipts, is on track to hit a belt-popping 7.7% this year& a level that prompted the International Monetary Fund to say the United States needs to get its act together.
  2. The money would be part of a plan with the International Monetary Fund to help control Egypt's budget deficit.
  3. Most money to cover the deficit would come from the Reserve Fund, one of two funds consisting of windfall oil revenue.
  4. Martin Baily, chief economist to former President Bill Clinton, worries whether foreigners will continue to buy the Treasury debt needed to fund the rapidly growing government deficit.
  5. Elsewhere the central bank can always, if needed, fund the deficit, leaving the bond market unaffected.
  6. Mr Zoellick suggests a "vulnerability fund" a mechanism to channel money from wealthy countries to poorer ones to help them to finance deficit spending during the recession.
  7. Foreign investors fund the deficit partly because of the strength of the US economy.
  8. The dollar exchange rate is important because the US relies on hefty foreign purchases of securities and other assets to fund its current account deficit.
  9. The president would have to ask the American people to write a large cheque to China to combat global warming while simultaneously praying that the Chinese graciously consent to keep buying American debt to fund the deficit.
  10. They understand that US fiscal policy implies big purchases of government bonds by the Fed this year, since neither foreign nor private domestic purchases will suffice to fund the deficit.
  11. Traders said the China concerns added to fears over the outlook for Greece, which is struggling to convince investors it can fund the eurozone's biggest deficit.
  12. The fund said fiscal consolidation needed to proceed and losing fiscal credibility could be very damaging, and is recommending that deficit reduction should begin next year – with the overall effort to include both spending cuts and tax increases through the elimination of special incentives and deductions.
  13. It let it be known that the US could not expect China to help fund its enormous deficit without something in return.
  14. In April, the fund warned the US to slow its deficit reduction efforts, saying there should be less and better fiscal consolidation now.
  15. Such a country could apply to the Fund for a stand by arrangement meeting all its financing needs for two years – until its budget deficit could be cut sufficiently.
  16. But this strategy may not work for countries with high levels of debt, the fund said, weighing into a debate that has divided the pro-stimulus US administration and deficit hawks in Europe.
  17. Heads of the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank had called for a stronger renminbi to help smooth the imbalances manifest in the US trade deficit and Chinese trade surplus.
  18. While Brazil might be suspicious of Chinese investment, it needs additional inflows of longer term financing to help fund its growing current account deficit.
  19. Accumulation fund weighs reserve again, it is a company to consolidate the property basis of oneself, increase the credence of the company and precautionary accident deficit, the regulation of according to law and company rules, it is beyond company capital the capital of stockpile.
  20. With regard to the reasons, the main countermeasures to the fund deficit are: 1. Manage to collect fund through various channels.
  21. Being short of fund and powevful administration, the financial and deficit risk is increasingly revealed.
  22. On the basis of the running status of Sanming medical insurance fund, this article analyses the cause of the deficit of medical insurance fund, and explores the countermeasures to make the medical insurance fund run safely.
  23. The basic economic function of the financial market is to guide the fund from the profit person to the deficit person, which raises the efficiency and makes contribution to the whole economy.
  24. The paper deems that the gross demand increase including fixed asset investment volume, consumptive fund and fiscal deficit is not the fundamental reason of the inflation on ground of just quantitative analysis.
  25. Currently, the biggest problem in the reform of pension system of China is short of capital. With the fund deficit is becoming wider and wider, it has caused the serious financial crisis that the current pension system is faced with.
  26. Solve the problem of the pension fund deficit, which can helps us to apply the Scientific Outlook on Development, develops social security, and promotes construction of harmonious society.